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Vai Col Liscio Sante Maria Romitelli Duse ELP 057, 1976
Vai Col Liscio album cover

This is one very cool little album. Great cover, great orchestra, great production, great recording. Beautifully crisp pressing too. The music is a curious mix of tunes 'in the style of' particular musical genres. There are Latin numbers, Glenn Miller style big band swing, Cha cha, blues... you name it. From a funk perspective, the star of the show is the excellent James Brown cover 'Beat The Rock' (aka Lickin' Stick), a very jazzy, tight instrumental funk cut out of the top drawer. Buy for that cut alone - if you can find it...

Overall Rating: 3

Track listing:

Battista, quattro the | Glenn Miller boogie | Midnight love | Rocky rock | Charley charleston | Urka la mazurka | Love waltz | Urka la mazurka | Vai col liscio blues | Mia cugina cha cha cha | Beat the rock | Battista, quattro the |


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