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Movie Index
Soundtracks index
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'Introduction to the genre' by Edward Griffiths,
The background of black action movies

'The genre's influence on film and television' by Edward Griffiths,
Why the 70s were so funky on the screen

'"SHAFT"-ED' by Steve Ryfle
Nostalgia runs deep, shallow for Blaxploitation films at convention

'Blax Chix' by Shelly Eversey, University of Washington
Read about the role of women in black action movies

'I was there and saw the whole thang' by Anpu Ankhamen, Saint Louis, Missouri
A weekly series about how it really was...

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All site contents ©2001 The author has asserted his moral rights. Cover scans, album reviews, all other text content and/or pictures may only be used by prior permission of But what the hell, I'm a nice guy, so drop me a line!