reviewed Links
see also:
Star Infos

Mailinglist' at
maintained by Dango
Ask, discuss, have fun with us!!
Jumplist' by Jordan A. Rich
A huge collection of very good Links on the genre.
Convention' Tarrytown
Hilton Hotel, N.Y. February '99
Actors, Memorabilia, everything will be there. Be there too!
Search Engine' at
'NewHoo' maintanied by Dango
Lots of other Links and a good Jumplist
Movies' at the 'Internet
Movie Database'
A List of Movies with Links to their Infos on i.e. Credits etc.
at 'Magasin Defektt' by red
Really, supercool! Trailers!!!!!! Too baad, it's in err... Swedish?.
at 'ImagesJournal' written
by Chris Norton
Another great Article about the genre's relation to 007 plus Images and
at 'The Fly: Dope Music Magazine'
written by Superfly guy, Colm
An Article about the genre in general, some imagesl. Read it!
at 'Black Voices' written
by Superfly guy, Colm
A huge Feature on 5 pages about the genre. Really cool!!
- a Sketch' at 'Bright
Lights Film Journal' written by Gary Morris
Another Article about the genre in general, some iamges. Read it!
'The Funky World of Dolemite' at
Just Great! Learn Ebonics here!
'Sweet's back again' at
'Metro Active' written by Nicky Baxter
'Blaxploitation upended Hollywood stereotypes'
Flicks' at 'Pimpadelic
Wonderland' by Tom Fitzgerald
This Site's just Great!!
'Am I Black Enough 4U?' at 'PopVoid.Com' written by Jim Morton
Lots and lots and lots of Info ...
Movies, Race, and Ethnicity' Tapes
at 'University of Calfornia, Berkeley'
African Americans: Videotapes in the Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley
Movie Reviews' written by Dan
A true Fan! Do your thing!
Blaxploitation Flicks' at
'RoughCut' written by Todd Doogan
Some Reviews and a short Introduction to the Genre.
Film Center' Archive
at the Indiana University
The BFCA is a repository of films and related materials by and about African
on HipHop' written by JR Vallery, Writer
for YO!
Hip Hop was influenced by old black Movies!
MoFo' by 'Desert Moon
Yow, here's one fringe movie title you've got to have! BadAzz MoFo is
dedicated to
blaxploitation, chix flix, action, horror and all other sorts of cinematic
insanity. Coffy,
Shaft, Trouble Man, they're all here. Movies are rated according to the
wonderfully politically incorrect BadAzz MoFo Rating System or How to
Know if Something Sucks of 4 afros for excellent to Jeri Curl for sucks.
But what gives BadAzz MoFo its edge is the intelligence and wit with which
it is written and the political savvy to truly plumb these genres fearlessly
and with respect.
Issues per Year

To be continued...
Parts of this List were compiled by Jordan
A. Rich.
While we try to catch up with him, try his excellent collection
of links.
Please inform us if
you know of another source.
All site contents ©1998 The author has asserted his moral rights. Cover scans, album reviews, all other text content and/or pictures may only be used by prior permission of But what the hell, I'm a nice guy, so drop me a line!