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Spook Who Sat By The Door, The
USA 1972
United Artists, directed by Ivan Dixon & Unknown Director

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Lawrence Cook;  Paula Kelly;  Janet League;  J.A. Preston;  Paul Butler;  Don Blakely;  David Lemieux;  Byron Morrow;  Jack Aaron;  Joseph Mascolo;  Beverly Gill;  Bob Hill;  Martin Golar;  Jeff Hamilton;  Margaret Kromgols;  Tom Alderman;  Stephen Ferry;  Kathy Berks;  Stephen Ferry II;  Frank Lesley;  Harold Johnson;  Anthony Ray;  Audrey Stephenson;  John Charles;  Ponicano Olayta, Jr.;  Sidney Eden;  Colostine Boatwright;  Johnny Williams; 

Short Summary:
Dan Freeman, a Korea vet, is looking for work. The CIA have just announced that they are taking applications from black candidates - thinking that none will pass their tests - so Freeman plays the system and gets through. Freeman, the perfect employee, expects to get ahead but instead finds that he's reduced to performing menial tasks. After five years of frustration, he quits and moves to Chicago where his views begin to change: he moves from pacifism to militarism, convinced that direct action is the only answer. Using techniques and tools learnt in the CIA, he trains a private army of brothers and begins his campaign...

Movie summary written by Whytie

Screenshots from the movie. Click on any image to see a bigger colour version.

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Just hanging at the basketball court... Who are you looking at, honey? Freeman starts thinking... and making the right connections... Nice shot! Spook on the inside... Target practice... Talking to the police... The action begins... Riots in Chicago... Who's the mole? Spinning the wheels of steel...