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Uncle Joe Shannon Bill Conti United Artists UA-LA 935-H, 1979
Uncle Joe Shannon album cover

Bill Conti's scores are always quite an enigma, but you can almost always guarantee that he sneaks in a good funky cut somewhere in the grooves. This album features high register trumpet specialist Maynard Ferguson (who looks rough as hell in the studio photos on the rear cover) and showcases his talents in three good disco funk cuts, best of which is Hot Nights, with some great guitar and Rhodes work backed up by a cool horn riff. The film bombed, and although the soundtrack was critically well regarded at the time, it's now pretty hard to find. If late 70s or disco scores do it for you, pick this up.

Overall Rating: 3

Track listing:

Seascape | Evening concert | Fire tragedy | Alone again | Return to the sea | Uncle Joe (theme) | Hot nights | The goose | Hard times |


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